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Sanibonani (hello)Friends!

It’s been a whole week of Ministry, and I’m completely in awe of what God is doing here in Eswatini and in our hearts as a squad!

The week started so hot with the sun blazing and with a few of the squad mates getting bad sunburns, but there was a relief! The rain came, and it’s still going. The rain made it a very interesting week for ministry. On Tuesday, the whole squad went to the care point that DBS  (the team I’m in) is at all week! So it was super fun to see everyone serving with the kiddos! If you follow me on IG (@alishasierra), you can see a few of the pictures I took that day. Then on Wednesday, DBS went back to our”care point” “Ngungwane,” under the rain. There were only a few kids there, so we did a devotional with Mayor (the shepherd of the care point), P (the coordinator), and the 3 kids there that morning. We ended that sweet time by singing “Yeshua,” and even tho the rain was so loud, it was such a special time and one of my favorites this week. The kids were let go early from school, so they started to show up around 11:30 am or so, and we had to entertain them for a while before the food was ready. It was a hard task, but the team did it! I was helping the Gogo (grandma) to cook that day, and it was fun to be around her and P, learning all about their culture. They were so interested in my Puerto Rican culture it was fun to connect in the similarities of our lands and food.

On Thursday, we did an ATL (Ask the Lord) day, and it was fun! We went to the city of Manzini and did a prayer walk asking God to lead us to the people that he wanted us to interact with, and my favorite moment was when we were in a circle praying for a gentleman that Andrew and Caleb talked to, and a lady came by and stopped and ask if she could pray for us! Her prayer was so encouraging, she shared how she found Jesus because of missionaries, and she was so happy to see us there. After talking a little, we asked her if we could pray for her, and she broke down and shared with us, and we got to pray, encourage her, and give her a lil blessing! It was such a beautiful encounter.

Friday, we went back to Ngungwane care point and spent sweet time with the kids in the rain, singing, and dancing! So thankful for Megan! She literally has a repertoire of children’s games and songs memorized! She made the day go by so fast, and the kids loved her. Also, she has so much energy and kept all the kids and adults entrained for hours! Some exciting news is that you guys can jump and help the care point that I’m serving at! Go and check this video (you might see me in it 😉) , and here is the link to give!

I’m so excited about this next week! Please continue praying for the squad, the care points, and the people of eSwatini!

So much love,

Alisha S.

3 responses to “First Full Week!”

  1. My heart is overjoyed at the fellowship you have all enjoyed with the people you have encountered, especially the children. Your positivity and hard work are true examples of a servant’s heart. You are making unforgettable memories and life lessons only attainable by missionary work. May God continue to give you strength and blessings in abundance. Love you!

  2. Hey Alisha!! Love the pics and the stories of your adventures. May God continue to lead, guide and direct you in everything. God bless and I love you girl!

  3. Hey Alisha! Im so happy to see the woman you have become. I always knew you were special and put on this world to do amazing things. You’ve always been so caring, loving and passionate about helping others. Friend, I wish you the best, Im sending you lots of love, strength and 1000000 hugs so you can give to the beautiful children!!!